
Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Service


The Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting facility is part of the Montpellier RIO Imaging Platform (MRI), one platform of the BioCampus Montpellier UMS Montpellier. Its operational head is Myriam Boyer-Clavel (CNRS IE) and its scientific head is Valérie Zimmermann (CR CNRS), group leader at IGMM.

This facility offers 4 analyzers (1 Novocyte, 1 FacsCanto II, 1 LSRFortessa) and a FACSAria cell sorter.

It is located in a dedicated L2 laboratory, accessible permanently to the users of the “Route de Mende” CNRS campus (CRBM + IGMM + IRIM).

It is also open to users from other Montpellier laboratories on weekdays from 8 to 19h.

Devices are booked through an on-line reservation system. Specific and personalized training is provided to users, who can also receive help and advices for the design of their experiments. Assistance can also be provided for the data analysis.