

Le Conseil européen de la recherche (ERC) a publié la liste des lauréats des bourses Consolidator, qui soutiennent chaque année de nombreux projets de scientifiques en milieu de carrière. Parmi les 10 lauréats CNRS, Mounia Lagha pour son projet :

LightRNA2Prot (Spatio-temporal coupling between transcription and translation dynamics during development).

During development, precise control of gene expression allows the reproducible establishment of patterns, leading to the formation of organs at the right time and place. What are the mechanisms behind such precision?

The establishment of developmental patterns has been primarily studied at the transcriptional level. In comparison, the fate of these transcripts received little attention. Development of new methods enabling the study of translation of single mRNA molecules revealed a critical heterogeneity in translation. Our lab pioneered the deployment of such methods in Drosophila embryos, leading to the discovery of translation factories and unmasking intragenic translation heterogeneity, demonstrating a novel layer of variation in gene expression. Thus, to decipher the mechanisms dictating precision in gene expression, it is essential to simultaneously consider both layers of regulation constituted by transcription and translation as well as their potential coupling.

LightRNA2Prot ERC project proposes to bridge the gap between these two pillars of the central dogma to obtain an integrated multiscale view of gene expression control. We will use quantitative imaging methods to simultaneously monitor mRNA and protein in living Drosophila embryos with unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution, combined with theoretical models to formulate predictions that will be tested by genetic/optogenetic manipulations.

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ERC Consolidator Grant, une bourse européenne d’excellence

La bourse ERC Consolidator a pour objectif de financer des projets de recherche exploratoire sur un thème innovant et une durée de 5 ans pour un budget d’environ 2 millions d'euros.

Destinée à des chercheurs ayant 7 à 12 ans d’expérience après leur doctorat, cette bourse soutient des scientifiques au parcours prometteur qui souhaitent constituer ou consolider leur équipe de recherche.

Avec un niveau de compétitivité très élevé, l’appel à projets ERC Consolidator Grant récompense des projets d’excellence sur des sujets de recherche ambitieux et comportant des risques.

ERC Consolidator Grant 2021 Indicative statistics