
Protein purification facility

The protein purification platform set up by IGMM on the second floor (room 103) is designed to help the site's teams produce and purify the proteins required for their research.

It is presently run by Olivier Coux (DR2 CNRS), chair, and Sarah Benlamara (IE recherche) who is  in charge of managing and maintaining material and equipment on the platform, as well as protein purification.

A steering committee, made up of representatives from the three institutes of the site, will advise the plateau on its strategic choices to best meet the site's needs as its activities develop.

The platform's activities focuses on 3 main objectives:

- Production, purification and distribution via the site’s store of proteins of common interest, with the goal to reduce experimental cost for the reserach teams.

- Technical support for teams working on specific protein purification projects. The platform will take charge of the purification in the case of a one-off need, or will train a team member so that he or she can become autonomous in the use of the equipment in the case of a "long-term" project.

- Maintenance of an E. coli strain bank.



For the time being, the platform has an FPLC and various chromatography columns (ion exchange, gel filtration, hydrophobic interaction) allowing it to meet current protein purification needs.


Proteins of general interest purified by the platform are described here ici .


CONTACT : for further information or specific requests, please contact the people in charge directly or via


Olivier Coux
Sarah Benlamara

Membres du comité de pilotage :

IGMM: Olivier Coux, Odil Porrua, Sarah Benlamara, Aude Carusi.

IRIM : Mickael Blaise, Jérôme Feuillard

CRBM: Dominique Helmlinger, Céline Faux